17 Best YouTube Tools That Will Help You To Grow Your Channel In 2021

Best Youtube Tools

Today I am going to talk about 17 of Best YouTube Tools which will help you to grow your channel in 2021. All of the tools in this list are going to help you be a better YouTuber. They’re going to help you make better content. They’re going to help you manage what it is that you’re doing around your youtube channel. 

How You Will Find Best YouTube Tools For You

First, we will talk about where you can find resources that will update you consistently with new tools available in the market. One way is that you keep on researching the internet on a regular interval or if you know some place that will introduce you to new tools on a regular interval.

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Starting right now with Appsumo. Appsumo is very useful to find great digital tools. Appsumo has introduced me to cool tools like Tile for example for whipping up a bunch of text-based stories. Crello where you can make any kind of social media graphics fast. Happyscribe, you can use this for transcribing videos if you want to repurpose your video content as blog posts and things like that. It’s awesome for that.

But anyway tons of awesome products at app sumo. You should bookmark them as I do. So that you can check in every week to see any newly available software and catch a discount on it when you do. Because sometimes they even have things like pro video factory pop-up which is a stock video website, which would be extremely useful to you. 

And if you’re a tubebuddy user back in 2017 tubebuddy was even on there where you could get a lifetime membership through them.

Your Music Resource

Next on the list is music to use in your videos. As a content creator really good chance that you are using some type of music in your videos, or you’re trying to find a great place that you can use music from. 

As a quick disclaimer regardless of where you are getting your music, make sure that you always get it from a place where you can get the license for it, or that the licensing terms are clear to make sure that you don’t get yourself in trouble when it comes to copyright.

And if you are monetizing your videos that the music you are using, you are using it for commercial purposes. So keep that in mind when you’re looking for music. And with that out of the way let’s get into the actual music resources that you came here for. 

YouTube Audio Library

The first and the second are both 100% free. The very first is the youtube audio library. It is provided by youtube for youtube content creators. They’ve recently refreshed the interface for it. And they’re constantly adding new songs to it. And I’ll be honest, they’re getting better, they used to not be that great, but they’re getting better. 

But keep in mind if you do upload your videos elsewhere the youtube music is made to be used on youtube, not Facebook, not LinkedIn, not Twitter, not your website anything like that. It’s all made to be used on youtube videos. So make sure that you’re using it on youtube videos. But check it out it’s a great resource. 


Next on the list is Mixkit. With Mixkit they have royalty-free music that you can use even for commercial purposes. They also have videos you can use, and a bunch of graphics if you are a premier user.

YouTube Video & Growth Management Tools

Next on the list is youtube growth channel management, and video management tools.


Starting with of course tubebuddy. It is the number one browser plugin for youtube content creators. It’ll help you test your thumbnails. It’ll help you tag your videos. It’ll help you optimize your videos for search, and manage your channel in a bunch of different ways. 

If you’re a YouTuber you need it to get it. I do want to let you know with tubebuddy that they do have the free option, which you can use indefinitely forever on your youtube channel. But if you do decide to upgrade you get a lot more cool features and it expands just the functionality.

In general, you’re going to want to upgrade but you can start with it free. So you can see what it can do for you. 


Next on the list is Tube Spanner. Now the cool free things within tube spanner are they have a script template. So basically with their script template, you can go through and you can fill out your script. It’ll give you a general idea of how long it’s going to take you to get through the script based on all of the text that you have in there. 

They give you starting script templates so that you can format your video in a way to where you are leading people through something instead of just randomly throwing a bunch of information out there, or content out there. 

They also have a thumbnail builder in there that you can use for free. They have a comment management tool. All kinds of really cool stuff inside of Tubespanner. If you haven’t tried it yet or you’re not already using it make sure you check that out as well. 

Video Editing Software

One of the things that I get asked about all the time is free video editing software. Both of the options that I’m getting ready to share with you are 100% free. Doesn’t cost you even a penny. 

Davinci Resolve

Davinci Resolve is the first one. With Davinci Resolve, it is a full-functioning video editor. You can do all kinds of really cool stuff with it. Color grading, you can do composting in there, all kinds of just awesome stuff. It’s like a pro-grade editor but you get it for free.


Film express is the next cool piece of video editing software that is 100% free. And the cool thing about this is they also have a lot of composting things built in. So if you want to add muzzle flashes, or if you want to add flames or anything like that, you can do it all inside of hitfilm. In addition, if you just want to simply do basic cuts and all that you can also do that.

Video Editing Apps

Video editing apps are the next thing on our list. As I’m sure I get asked a lot about how to get views and subscribers. But man do I ever get asked what’s a good video editing app.


The first one on the list is video leap which is coming out eventually for android. But right now it’s just iPhone. But with Videoleap you can use it for free. However, there are upsells. What that means is you can use it, you can edit your videos in there for free, you can export your videos for free, and all that. 

But if you want to do some of the like extra fun stuff in there then some of the options you’re gonna have to pay for. But most of the stuff in there you can do for free. So it’s a full-functioning video editor on your phone that you can use for free.


The next one on the list for you android folks is Vllo. It is also a free video app that you can use to cut up your videos, to cut out all the empty spaces and things like that, or push in on the footage, or pull out on the footage so that you can create more of a dynamic experience for your viewers. And it’s not going to cost you a thing.

Graphic Creation Software

Next on the list is things that you can use to make youtube graphics. Now when it comes to youtube graphics, I’m talking about templated things like thumbnails, and channel art that sort of thing. And things that you can use to just make fully custom graphics that you can use in your videos and things like that as well. 


The very first is called photo p. photo p is 100% free. It is a web-based thing. So you don’t have to download any software or anything like that. You can use it just right there in your cool web browser. 

You can build thumbnails with it, channel art, you can even build video graphics and export the transparent file. So you can use it in your video. 


Placeit.net is the next one on the list. If you go to place it and you just type free in the search box, you’re going to see that they’re going to show you all kinds of things that you can use 100% free without having to buy anything, 

They have youtube intros in there for free, they have channel mockups for free, they have thumbnail templates for free, they have just mock-ups in general for free. 

Tons of stuff that you’ll find useful if you’re a YouTuber and extra tons of stuff that you’ll find useful if you’re a creative YouTuber.


Next on the list is Canva. Canva is pretty popular. So there’s a really good chance you’ve probably heard of Canva. But I got to tell you anyway just to be on the safe side they have over 8 000 free templates that you can use for a bunch of different things. 

But some of those things are youtube specific. So of course you can use them for other social media. But you can also do channel art, and thumbnails, and things like that. And it’s all template-based, which means you just load it up. Change some text, swap out a picture, and you’re good to go. And you have something that looks awesome without having to do much to it. 

Thumnail Creation Apps For Mobile

Now it’s time to talk about the apps for making thumbnails on your phone because if you’re a mobile content creator then some of the computer-based stuff doesn’t make sense to you. So you need some stuff to do this on your phone. Right? You don’t have to answer that I already know that you agree. 

Canva Mobile App

But anyway Canva also has a phone app. So you can do all this stuff on the go even if you’re a computer user. You can use Canva on the go to make some awesome-looking thumbnails, which is fantastic. Another great one is adobe spark.

Adobe Spark

Adobe spark has tons of great-looking templates that you can use as well. Easy to modify to make all your stuff look awesome with adobe spark. You do have to set up an Adobe account. But it’s free so it’s okay.


Next up is Snapseed. Now Snapseed doesn’t have the template-based stuff as Canva and Adobe Spark do. However, if you want to build something up from scratch, they do have the ability to do that using the photos that you already have. 

And they have template-based text as well so that you can still make your text look okay. But to be upfront with you if I’m making thumbnails on a phone I would do the image and make the image pop inside of Snapseed. And I would load that image into adobe spark or Canva so that you can put the text on it do anything like that, that you want to do to make it more thumbnail-like.

But Snapseed is awesome at making the images look fantastic. So what you can do is you can manipulate the image inside of Snapseed. And then if you decide to put text on it, if you have that type of content in that case you could load that image into adobe spark or Canva. 

Content Planning Software

Content planning. Now, this one right here is for those of you that are taking youtube seriously when it comes to planning content. I believe that it’s extremely important to plan your content. Because if you know the content that’s coming out then you can plan for it, you can mention it in other videos and things like that. And you can build up anticipation of future content when what you’re going to be making.

You can also record multiple things at multiple times. So even though you might not record multiple videos at the same time, you might think to yourself “Hey I’m recording this. This would be a good fit for the video that I’m putting out two weeks from now. So I’m going to make sure that I record a little extra footage, that I can use in that video too”. 

So you should be planning your content out, and you should be putting together some type of content strategy based on what it is you’re trying to achieve here on youtube. 

Google Drive

But anyway google drive is fantastic for content planning. Not only can you store files inside of google drive, b-roll that you take on your phone, or images that you take in your phone that you’re going to be using in a video, and things like that where you can just organize the videos themselves inside of folders. Inside of google drive that’s a win. 

But google drive is also fantastic for organizing google docs files. And what I mean by that is you can have one folder inside of google drive, that is your video ideas. And then within that folder, you would have working video ideas which are videos that you’re working on. And you could have pending video ideas which are videos that you are going to be making very soon. 

And then of course you can also add a complete folder. And then what you’re doing is you’re just moving scripts around based on where they are in your process. So you’re organizing your scripts and your video ideas all within a few folders. 


Some people also use Trello for this work. Speaking of Trello it’s also free for a basic account. So if you are going to use Trello one thing that I recommend is they give you one free power-up, which is kind of like an add-on to your Trello account. Use that for a calendar. 

That way you can look at a calendar view, and you can see what your content looks like over the month, or any holes that you have in it, or any way that you can connect the content.


So these are the Best YouTube Tools you can use to make professional videos, graphics and music, and also you can manage your content with these tools. And to gain more tips and tricks on youtube make sure you subscribe to our newsletter so that you can get more knowledge direct to your inbox. 

And if you are a new YouTuber and you are afraid that your video is not coming in search than we have an special article for you that will tell you the exact reason Why Your Video Is Not Coming In Search. Thank you so much for reading this article. I’ll see you next time.


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