9 Secret Tools For YouTube Creators You Must Use In 2021

Tools For YouTube

In this list, I am telling you about 9 Tools For YouTube Creators that can be very useful in your YouTube journey and it can be a game changer for you. In these tools some are chrome extentions. And this is a happy point for you that these all tools you can use for free. I am going to explain it now.

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Starting with if you want a free and easy to use app for editing your videos, that will allow you to do key framing, and all kinds of pro level things, pretty much all the things that you need to make cool videos, video leap is still the video editing app of choice if you’re on an iphone.


But if you’re on an android you will want to check out vllo. It’s an awesome app for android. That will also let you do all of the stuff that you need to do to put your videos together on your phone.


This next one is for twitter. And the reason that it’s important is because as a youtuber it’s important to share your own stuff on your social media from time to time. Because those people that are following you are probably a good fit for your content.

So you know quite some time ago twitter acquired a service called tweetdeck. And the really cool thing about tweetdeck that is now built into twitter is it allows you to schedule posts and actually manage multiple twitter accounts.

As a content creator this can also be really important. Because you might have two youtube channels or three youtube channels. Tweetdeck will help you check all of those accounts at once. It’ll help you manage all the messages in those accounts everything under one page without you having to log in and out of accounts all the time.

Tweetdeck is free which makes it even cooler. All you have to do is go to the tweetdeck url when you are going to twitter instead of going to twitter.com. And it’s pretty easy to use setup and all of that stuff that’s important to us.

Page Marker

Next on the list is for live streamers. If you’re doing a live stream where you’re showing anything at all on your screen, if you’re training, you’re showing how to stuff, you’re just having conversations with people, and you want to pull up websites or youtube channels or whatever, there’s a little extension that i use called page marker.

That lets me actually mark on the screen while i’m live. Page markers also free. But the really cool thing about page markers, it just helps you bring attention to what it is that you’re actually focusing on. Because if you’re streaming and you’re trying to point to something, obviously people aren’t going to see what you’re pointing to.

So when you use page marker it helps you actually highlight what it is that you want to bring attention to.

Tube Spanner

Now this next one is a tool will help you with your workflow everything from writing scripts to making sure that you’re hopping on trends to answering comments and bulk, all kinds of really awesome features for youtubers that help you simplify and optimize your workflow around, producing content.

The name of the tool is called tube spanner and like i said before one of the really awesome things about it is their trend spotter where it’ll help. You identify trending topics in your particular niche. And you know the importance of making sure that you’re staying up on trends in your particular space. More videos on trends can bring you a lot more views.


If you show screenshots in your content for any reason, if you’re doing tutorials, if you’re reviewing anything or anything like that, where you need to show screenshots, check out full page screen capture for chrome.

It basically captures the entire page not just what it is that you see. So for this one i use full page screen capture, or i’ll use fireshot. Both of them are awesome.


Next on the list if you want to make a really cool intro for your channel or you want to use an intro type of graphic for any of the tech slides that you use in your videos, or anything like that, then in that situation you are going to want to check out places.

They have an entire section on their website dedicated to all of the things that youtubers need in terms of graphics and mock-ups and things like that. So as a content creator you definitely need to check out place it.

Stream Yard

if you’ve been streaming a lot lately or you’re new to live streaming and you found the whole process of live streaming to be complicated and you’re like “oh my gosh there’s just so much involved with setting up all these scenes, doing all these complicated things”. Then you’ll want to check out stream yard.

Stream yard is a web-based streaming service that makes live streaming crazy easy. With stream yard another really cool thing about it is it takes the complicated part out of bringing other guests onto your show.

So for example if i wanted to have somebody come on the show which i do, i just send a link out, i drop that link in facebook and then anybody that’s in that facebook group can join anytime they want, and there’s no complicated setup, there’s no complicated thing that you have to do in order to pull them in.

They literally click on the link and then you just approve them. And then they come right into the stream. It’s pretty awesome.

YouTube Audio Library

Do you need music for your videos but you don’t want to spend any money. If so then this next one is for you. As a content creator you may or may not know depending on how much you explore, what’s going on inside of your youtube channel but you may or may not know that there is a free audio library put together by youtube for youtubers.

It’s called the youtube audio library. And you can actually use the music that’s in there . But here’s one thing that i do recommend if you are going to use the youtube audio library, the very first thing is i really recommend that you sort by attribution not required.

And what that means is when you use one of those tracks if the attribution is not required for the track that you’re using that means that you don’t have to give anybody credit. Which means that you’re not putting anything at risk.

However if you download a track where the attribution is required and you forget to give credit then you can get yourself into a little bit of trouble on youtube. So because of that you want to make sure that either one you are making sure that you’re giving credit. So it will be better to just use songs that don’t require credit. Hopefully there just saved you a ton of headache.


So these are some tools and softwares you can use to make professional videos for YouTube and it will be helpful for your YouTube growth also. And to gain more tips and tricks on youtube make sure you subscribe to our newsletter so that you can get more knowledge direct to your inbox.

And if you are a new YouTuber and you are thinking that how you can get more views and subscribers for your channel quickly then we have a special article for you which will tell you about 15 Easy Hacks For New Youtubers To Get More Views And Subscribers. Thank you so much for reading this article. I’ll see you next time.

1 thought on “9 Secret Tools For YouTube Creators You Must Use In 2021”

  1. Pingback: 11 Awesome Tips On How To Find Your Niche On YouTube - Deepdizy.com

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