3 Reasons Why You Should Switch To Instagram Creator Account

3 Reasons Why You Should Switch To Instagram Creator Account

Hey guys, welcome back to my blog. Today I am going to talk about 3 Reasons Why You Should Switch To Instagram Creator Account. I’ve gotten a lot of questions recently about the Instagram creator account. So in this article, I’ll be breaking down exactly what you get with the creator account and if it’s worth switching to.

With the rise of influencers on the platform, Instagram wanted to make sure it was appealing to this new market by creating a profile specifically for them. Previously you had the option of choosing between a personal or business profile with the primary difference being access to in-app analytics.

What Features Instagram Creator Account Provides

Now the creator account is slightly different, but I’ll tell you right away it’s not a huge leap from the business profile. So first of all, most users will have access to the creator account, but in classic Instagram fashion, some will not.

How You Can Unlock It

So to check, if you can switch to the creator account, simply go to your profile, hit the profile icon, select settings, then account, and from there you should be able to see a blue button that says switch to creator account.

If you click this button, you’ll see three main things the Instagram profile offers, one flexible profile controls, two simplified messaging and three more growth tools. There’s also one other feature you can access from desktop as well as the removal of two of user’s favorite features. So I’m going to talk about these in just a second.

Creator Profile Provides Flexible Profile Control

The first thing that the creator profile offers is flexible profile controls. Do you feel cringy about having public figure as your profile category? Well now you can choose to hide it as well as your contact options or if you felt there wasn’t a title that suited you best before Instagram has now added new options such as blogger or makeup artist.

Simplified Messaging

Number two is simplified messaging. The creator profile introduces a new DM filtering feature that allows you to sort your messages by unread flagged are all. It also gives you multiple inboxes to organize messages based on importance.

Then within your request folder you can categorize messages based on a user’s follower account. So if you get a lot of messages, you can easily see which ones may be more important or coming from more established accounts.

More Growth Tools

Number three is more growth tools. In this category. Instagram has added a symbol yet desirable feature where you can see how many followers you lost or gained a particular date within the last week. This is something that many users care about, although I would encourage otherwise.

So it’s an interesting addition. For many, it’s most helpful function is being able to check what posts and stories you added on a particular day so you can see what potentially led to an increase or decrease in followers.

How You Can Use These Features With Different Tools

Apart from that, the analytics are exactly the same as what you get with a business account. In addition to these three main things, you also have access to the creator studio on Facebook. From here, you’ll be able to access post specific analytics such as how many likes and comments you generated as well as the amount of views your stories received.

Finally, you can see the same analytics you get on your mobile phone, including your audience, demographics, impressions, and reach. These features aren’t very flashy. They’re pretty basic and not entirely worth switching for. In my opinion.

What You Not Get If You Don’t Switch To Creator Account

What they don’t mention is that if you do switch to a creator account, you’re going to lose the ability to use any third party analytics or scheduling app. Yep. If you schedule your content with an app like later or plan only, you will not be able to continue with a creator account.

Another issue is you can no longer use shoppable posts with a creator account, this is because there’s talks of adding a new creator specific checkout to Instagram, but it doesn’t seem to exist quite yet.


So with that, my overall impression is that it’s worth switchingbecause it makes sense. If you want to take a peek you can always switch back with no ramifications. I hope you learned something new. If you did, please tell us in comment section. If you want to know more about Instagram Creator Account you can read this article in Facebook Help Center.

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1 thought on “3 Reasons Why You Should Switch To Instagram Creator Account”

  1. Pingback: 7 Instagram Story Hacks You Don't Know - Deepdizy.com

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