Am I On The Right Way To Grow My Youtube Channel (6 Awesome Point Checklist)

Am I On The Right Way To Grow My Youtube Channel

Do you ever feel like am I on the right way to grow my youtube channel? I mean maybe you’re not. We’re going to talk about it and we’re starting right now. So there is a question often people ask

“I just started my YouTube channel last year and I feel like Am I on the right way to grow my youtube channel? I have a lot to learn and a long way to go. I would like to improve and be better at it. I’ve been reading your articles. These are really helpful for me. This is my passion and I want to keep going. You inspire me. Thank you.”

Am I On The Right Way To Grow My YouTube Channel: The SImplest Answer Is Here

I think that what you’re talking about is something that a lot of us go through as content creators. There’s a side of things where you’re putting a lot of effort into your videos and you’re watching so many videos where you’re trying to learn how to do all this stuff so that you can get better at it.

But since there are only a few hours in the day. Sometimes at the end of the day, we feel like “Did I really do all that I could do. I really put in the effort that I needed to put in to make sure that I’m heading in the right direction.”

And I think this whole thing kind of leads to youtube burnout. Because we have those feelings inside of us that think “Am I on the right way to grow my youtube channel? I need to do more more more more and more.”

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And then the next thing you know you’re doing too much and then you just can’t handle it. You end up burning out. And it takes the joy out of uploading content. Is part of the reason you’re doing it in the first place is that it’s something you enjoy.

So if you feel like you’re not on the right way to grow your youtube channel, I want to share with you some things that you can focus on, so that you can put your efforts towards. Just a few things that will actually move the needle for you and take away from some of the time that you might be spending on things that don’t really matter or they matter but just not as much as the things that are really gonna move the needle for you.

Analyze Where You Are Spending Your Time?

So when people start uploading videos to youtube the first thing in their mind is they start thinking okay I gotta start sharing my content all over the social media platforms. I got to grow all of my social media platforms at one time while I’m trying to grow my youtube channel.

Because of that what happens is they end up spending their time on Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, LinkedIn all these other places instead of really focusing their efforts on the one that they’re really trying to get traction on

Don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying that you shouldn’t spend time on other social media platforms or that you shouldn’t try to grow your influence all over the internet, but what I am saying is that if you feel like you’re not on the right way to grow your youtube channel and it keeps you in that grind of having to just always be doing something to keep trying to move your youtube channel forward, pull back from some of that stuff and take that energy that you’re putting there and put it on your youtube channel

Because part of the feeling of not feeling like you’re doing enough is because you’re not getting the results necessarily that you’re really after. And if you’re not getting those results then you’re going to continue feeling like you’re not doing enough, and spreading yourself out too thin. Is going to end you up in a situation where you’re most likely not going to end up getting the results that you’re after.

Because you’re spreading yourself too thin and you can’t really put a strong focus on a particular thing. So here’s what you need to do instead of spending a lot of time posting all over the internet. Take some time to post on the internet from time to time but focus your efforts if you’re trying to move the needle on youtube.

Focus your efforts right now just for now on youtube again. Use the other platforms but focus a majority of your energy on what it is that you’re doing on youtube

So that you can get a better understanding of what works here. Because there’s nothing that’s going to be more powerful for you of bringing you more viewers, of bringing you more subscribers than getting youtube to work on your behalf.

You Must Understand The Importance Of Video Title And Thumbnail

So how do you do that how do you get youtube to work on your behalf? This is how you always hear me and other people who make content like me, talking about the importance of getting people to click on your thumbnails, getting people to click on your titles, getting people to watch your videos for a fair amount of time. In this article, YouTube also explains how you can make people click on your video.

Am I On The Right Way To Grow My Youtube Channel

And the reason for that is because those things have the biggest impact when it comes to getting traction on youtube. For example, if you can’t get people to click, it doesn’t matter how awesome your video is. Nobody’s ever gonna know.

Don’t Clickbait Unnecessarily?

But if you’re getting people to click, but then they’re not enjoying your video. Then it’s going to appear to youtube systems like it’s clickbaity. Because people are clicking on it at a high rate but they’re not actually watching the content once they get there. Which sends youtube the wrong signals in terms of how people are responding to your content.

YouTube Analytics exactly shows you this graph that how many people are watching your video and how many of them spend time on your video for how much time. This graph helps you to understand how your viewers are reacting to your video.

So when you feel like you’re not doing enough or you feel like your time is limited in terms of the amount of time that you can spend on your youtube you need to spend your time in a better way. Spend that time trying to get people to click on your videos more and watch your videos for a longer period of time now, but how do we do that.

The very first part of that is to make sure that whatever it is that you’re using for your thumbnail and however you’re writing your titles for your video, that they build the right expectation for the viewer to get them to watch the video.

What I mean by that is if you make a sensational thumbnail and title that might get people to click, but once they land on the video they might not watch. Because the video doesn’t match the expectation that they had with the title and the thumbnail.

But when you build the expectation properly from the outside in terms of your thumbnail and title, and people do click on your thumbnail and title, to come in to watch your video, then what’s happening is, if that expectation is built properly, people end up watching your video for a longer period of time. Because they are getting exactly what it is that they expected from the outside in terms of your title and thumbnail

So if you feel like you’re not doing enough, or if you want to focus on the right things, then in that situation to do enough, so that your youtube channel performs better, you got to work on getting people to click on your thumbnail and title, and meet their expectation of what they might expect once they do click on that when it comes to your title and your thumbnail, and how it builds the expectation, if you have a limited amount of time, or if you want to make sure that you’re putting in the right efforts on the right things.

Understand Your Viewer’s Psychology

Another thing you got to think about with your thumbnail title is how clear is it to the potential person that you’re trying to reach that your video is for them.

You don’t have to actually sit in front of a computer for this. You can just look on your phone while you’re at work, or while you’re at a coffee shop, and you can just start going through your content and start thinking okay the time that I am putting into this so that I can make sure that it’s going to move the needle on my youtube channel I’m going to spend that time actually analyzing what it is that I’m doing, and making sure that it’s crystal clear in my thumbnails and titles and just in my content.

In general what it is that the viewer can be going to get from the video that they click on clarity equals clicks. Write that down when people are clear about what it is that they’re going to get from the video they are likely to click on it if it’s something that they are interested in.

Magic Of Audience Retention

The next thing that you need to make sure that you’re focusing on your actual audience retention and you can do that on a mobile device by going into the youtube creator studio app or it’s called the youtube studio app now and you can go in there and you can actually see your audience retention reports even if you’re a mobile content creator

And if you’re a mobile content creator you can get more in-depth analytics and you can even watch your video while you’re looking at the audience retention report. So you can really start fine-tuning how people are responding to what it is that you’re doing. Or you can clearly see how they’re responding to, what it is that you’re doing by using the chrome browser on your phone and then using desktop mode. If you do that then you can access the full analytics like desktop users get, which gives you tons more information about your youtube channel.

But anyway when you’re trying to move the needle on your youtube channel and you want to make sure that the efforts that you are putting out there even if it’s limited efforts you want to make sure that there are efforts that are going to move the needle for you, getting people to watch your videos for a long time is a win.

And another thing that you want to keep in mind when you’re trying to get people to watch your videos for a longer period of time is you just want to think about their experience like what are people actually getting or going through when they’re watching your videos

Because I know us as content creators. When when we’re watching our videos in our minds, we’re thinking like oh yeah that was a cool graphic or I should have done that faster I should have said that better, but we’re not really looking at it from a viewer’s perspective

But if you can change that in your mind to where you start watching your videos from a viewer’s perspective, you start identifying all types of holes in your content. Here’s what I mean you’ll realize that your logo intro for example that it doesn’t really add much value to your video I mean it might make it look cool and when you watch it might be like yeah that’s cool. But at the end of the day in terms of the value that the viewers are getting from the video and the experience that they’re having it doesn’t really add much to the video in almost every situation.

You might also notice in that situation that you waste a lot of time in your videos that when the viewer comes in, they’re expecting one thing, but it takes you to something long intro of the channel which is not adding any value to your video.

So you just want to pay really close attention to your videos, how people are responding to them. And you want to make sure that you’re looking at it from a viewer’s perspective and making sure that you’re keeping their experience in mind when they’re actually watching your content. 

Continue To Develop Your Skills

Let’s be honest a lot of places people really aren’t doing enough because there’s so much involved, but most of it really comes down to paying attention to what it is that you’re doing and monitoring, what it is that you’re doing and it also comes to developing additional skills that will help you move the needle as well in terms of copywriting for your titles, in terms of design or imagery for your thumbnails, editing for your videos, creating a deeper understanding for who it is that you’re actually making content for

So you can make sure that everything is catered a little bit better for them, but at the core of all of it, if you feel like you’re not doing enough or you only have a limited amount of time to actually work on this stuff, focus on the things that I’m talking about in terms of getting people to click and getting people to watch for a longer period of time and there’s tons of nuance within that.

You know it’s not just as easy as saying just get them to click that’s it that’s all you got to do that’s like saying you know oh hey all I gotta do is just you know to build a rocket ship and then I can go to the moon.

It’s not that easy. It sounds great but there’s tons of nuance involved. That’s why it’s good to make sure that the time that you are spending is allotted properly to make sure that you are doing the right things. Those are going to help you actually move the needle and a lot of that will come down to the nuance of what it is that you do and how it is that you do that thing.

But look if you’re a driven person and you have that inside of you, where it always feels like you’re not doing enough, you know I just want you to give yourself a break because you know I’m one of those people too and it’s like I always it doesn’t matter how long I work throughout the day, it doesn’t matter what projects I finish or don’t finish or what I’m working on.

I always feel like I can be doing more and I also can feel you in that situation but if you are one of those people give yourself a break sometimes and just look at all of the things that you are doing in your life, all the way around not just your youtube channel, but look at all the different things that you’re doing and all the different things that you’re involved with and how well you’re actually managing all the things that you’re involved with even though they might not be at the level that you would like them to be right now.

You’re working towards that right now with the time that you do have to dedicate to. What it is that you’re doing here and you’ll be fine for the time that you do put in.


Just make sure that you are focusing on the right things that will actually make a big impact instead of spending time on wasteful things

To learn more about growing your youtube channel, there is another article about how you can get more and more views on your video. You can read it and get to know about best practices for your videos and if you haven’t a subscriber to our newsletter yet make sure you subscribe. Thank you so much for reading this article. I’ll see you next time.

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